Today's latest foreign exchange rate inquiry

Rate table is updated on:2024-04-26 13:31:42 Conversion of RMB in 100 units of foreign currency

For example:: The following dollarThe exchange purchase price is 714.65,mean714.65 RMB for $100 714.65人民币.

现汇 现钞
外币 银行 买入 卖出 买入 卖出 中间价
中国银行 723.57 726.45 719.86 726.45 7.1056
工商银行 723.49 726.24 718.85 726.24
交通银行 723.6 726.48 719.89 726.48
光大银行 726.354 723.456 726.354 717.369
建设银行 723.42 726.39 718.13 726.39
中国银行 4.631 4.662 4.542 4.664 4.5967
工商银行 4.633 4.665 4.528 4.665
交通银行 4.645 4.676 4.555 4.678
光大银行 4.677 4.639 4.677 4.49
建设银行 4.63 4.67 4.5 4.67
中国银行 774.79 780.22 759.46 782.24 7.6561
工商银行 774.77 780.05 757.13 780.05
交通银行 774.61 780.04 759.29 782.06
光大银行 780.109 773.893 780.109 749.029
建设银行 774.58 779.79 752.2 779.79
中国银行 903.34 909.39 885.46 912.02 8.9250
工商银行 903.13 909.29 882.57 909.29
交通银行 903.09 909.14 885.22 911.77
光大银行 909.446 902.2 909.446 873.213
建设银行 902.6 909.39 876.79 909.39
中国银行 0.524 0.528 0.514 0.536 191.35
工商银行 0.524 0.529 0.511 0.529
交通银行 0.524 0.529 0.514 0.537
建设银行 0.52 0.54 0.51 0.54
中国银行 92.42 92.77 91.94 92.77 0.90777
工商银行 92.4 92.74 91.8 92.74
交通银行 92.42 92.77 91.94 92.77
光大银行 92.722 92.351 92.722 91.611
建设银行 92.36 92.74 91.72 92.74
中国银行 89.75 90.11 88.96 91.04 -
工商银行 89.68 90.05 89.13 90.05
交通银行 89.75 90.11 88.96 91.04
光大银行 89.937 89.578 89.937 88.86
建设银行 89.63 93.04 86.58 89.99
中国银行 529.07 532.61 518.87 534.15 5.2306
工商银行 529.08 532.69 517.04 532.69
交通银行 528.86 532.4 518.66 533.94
光大银行 532.6 528.357 532.6 511.381
建设银行 528.76 532.74 513.64 532.74
中国银行 7.7 8.02 7.68 8.37 12.8598
工商银行 7.67 8.11 7.64 8.11
交通银行 7.71 8.03 7.69 8.38
建设银行 7.7 8.15 7.58 8.02
中国银行 471.32 474.48 462.23 475.85 4.6636
工商银行 471.27 474.48 460.54 474.48
交通银行 471.2 474.36 462.11 475.73
光大银行 474.612 470.83 474.612 455.703
建设银行 471 474.54 457.53 474.54
中国银行 791.14 796.7 776.06 798.92 7.8182
工商银行 791.29 796.69 773.27 796.69
交通银行 790.83 796.39 775.75 798.61
光大银行 796.585 790.238 796.585 764.849
建设银行 790.79 796.74 768.18 796.74
中国银行 103.82 104.66 101.84 105.16 0.9779
工商银行 103.89 104.6 101.52 104.6
交通银行 103.79 104.63 101.81 105.13
光大银行 104.608 103.775 104.608 100.441
建设银行 103.83 104.61 100.86 104.61
中国银行 151.19 152.55 0 0 0.67246
工商银行 151.24 152.27 147.46 152.27
交通银行 151.21 152.57 0 0
建设银行 150.18 157.34 146.41 153.21
中国银行 65.84 66.36 64.58 66.68 1.5376
工商银行 65.88 66.33 64.38 66.33
交通银行 65.81 66.33 64.55 66.65
光大银行 66.338 65.809 66.338 63.695
建设银行 65.84 66.33 63.96 66.33
中国银行 430.48 433.46 422.27 435.36 4.2691
工商银行 430.38 433.31 420.58 433.31
交通银行 430.57 433.55 422.36 435.45
光大银行 433.744 430.287 433.744 416.463
建设银行 430.13 435.96 417.83 433.37
中国银行 66.32 66.86 65.06 67.18 1.5249
工商银行 66.36 66.81 64.85 66.81
交通银行 66.28 66.82 65.02 67.14
光大银行 66.831 66.298 66.831 64.168
建设银行 66.32 66.82 64.42 66.82
中国银行 530.86 534.53 520.73 536.08 5.2460
工商银行 531.1 534.72 519 534.72
交通银行 530.96 534.63 520.83 536.18
光大银行 534.818 530.557 534.818 513.511
建设银行 530.69 534.68 515.51 534.68
中国银行 19.48 19.64 19.08 19.95 5.1646
工商银行 19.51 19.65 19.03 19.65
交通银行 19.49 19.65 19.09 19.96
光大银行 19.655 19.498 19.655 18.872
建设银行 19.49 20.3 18.89 19.64
中国银行 0 0 21.47 22.68 -
交通银行 0 0 21.49 22.7
光大银行 22.344 22.166 22.344 21.454
中国银行 37.95 38.21 35.04 41.19 2.6726
工商银行 37.89 38.29 37 38.29
交通银行 37.94 38.2 35.03 41.18
建设银行 37.87 39.28 36.84 38.25

Instructions for today's exchange rate query The Currency Global website provides you with today's exchange rate query and the real-time latest exchange rate table of the main currencies such as USD, Euro, Hong Kong dollar, Japanese yen and British pound against RMB. Click the currency name in the table to query today's latest foreign exchange rate of this currency. You can also use the common foreign currency exchange rate conversion tool. This foreign exchange converter can enter a user-defined amount to convert the exchange rate of multiple foreign currencies. The buying rate of spot exchange现汇买入价 in the foreign exchange quotation table refers to the exchange rate at which banks buy foreign exchange, the buying rate现钞买入价 of cash refers to the exchange rate at which banks buy foreign currency notes, the selling rate of spot exchange refers to the exchange rate at which banks sell foreign exchange, and the selling rate of cash现汇卖出价 refers to the exchange rate at which banks sell foreign currency notes. Today's exchange rate table comprehensively calculates and queries the average price of the middle rate of foreign exchange quotation of the eight major banks and the benchmark price data of the People's Bank of China. The calculation formula is: the sum of bank exchange rates/the number of banks participating in the quotation.

Detailed description of the use of China's exchange rate

外汇牌价(Exchange Rate):Foreign exchange quotation(外汇牌价), also known as exchange rate(汇率), refers to the price or ratio when one country's currency is converted into another country's currency; Or the price of one country's currency expressed in the currency of another country.

Spot exchange buying price(现汇买入价): refers to the price at which banks buy foreign currency spot exchange and customers sell foreign currency spot exchange.

Cash buying price(现钞买入价): refers to the price at which banks buy foreign currency cash and customers sell foreign currency cash.

Selling Rate(卖出价): namely selling exchange rate, is the exchange rate used by banks to sell foreign exchange to customers or peers. The price or exchange rate at which the seller is willing to sell. Customers can buy the currency they are interested in according to the price

Buying Rate(买入价):namely buying exchange rate, is the exchange rate used by banks to buy foreign exchange from customers or peers. Buying price: the price at which the market is prepared to buy a currency in a foreign exchange transaction contract or cross currency transaction contract. At this price, traders can sell the base currency. It is located on the left of the quotation, for example: USD/CHF 1.4527/32, and the buying price is 1.4527; It means that investors can sell 1 dollar and buy 1.4527 Swiss francs

Benchmark price (基准价): The standard price is also called the middle price. It is set by the bank according to the buying and selling situation of various currencies in the international financial market. The China Foreign Exchange Administration will release the benchmark prices of some currencies, such as dollars and euros. The banks of other currencies will calculate their own prices. If you want to exchange RMB for euros, you can use the selling price

BOC Conversion Price(中行折算价): BOC conversion price is the middle price used internally by BOC and has no effect on general customers. It is mainly used for the conversion between currencies during internal accounting, and also for the internal position closing after foreign exchange purchase to calculate the profit and loss of this business.

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Website Statement

Statement: Our website ( is a free public welfare website. The exchange rate is from the official websites of the four major banks for reference only. The actual exchange rate of each bank shall prevail. We will not assume any responsibility for the results caused by the use of the exchange rate table, nor will we undertake any commercial business.